Your Best Okinawan Seidokan Karate Self Defense Men & Women DVD Deborah Magone
Featuring Deborah Magone An excellent DVD for both men & women! In this DVD, Deborah Magone, the first female 4th degree Black Belt in Okinawan Seidokan Karate, illustrates strategies to help you develop a highly effective means of self defense. Points covered include: vital striking areas, basic punches, kicks, knee and elbow strikes, blocks and proper falling techniques. Techniques are shown for purse snatching, when knocked to the ground, hair pulls, grabs and chokes. 45 min.
Digitally remastered from original videocassette.
Most manufacturers of specialty titles now duplicate instead of replicate, and utilize inkjet printed covers. This may make the DVDs appear to be counterfeit, however, this is the standard manufacturing process used by Warner Bros and others. This DVD is 100% guaranteed authentic.
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