Traditional Goju Ryu Karate #5 Black Belt Kata Weapons Kumite DVD Kent Moyer
Volume 5: Black Belt Techniques
Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate is one of the major systems of karate. It is well known for its unique hard and soft, slow and fast movements. Katas are performed with deep abdominal breathing, each movement demonstrating symmetry and grace. In this 5 DVD series Sensei Kent Moyer delivers detailed, step-by-step instruction that takes the viewer from beginning to black belt level. Sensei Kent Moyer, a 5th degree black belt (U.S.A.G.A.) operates a full-time dojo in Los Angeles, CA. Contains: Kihon Ido Combinations, Sandan Gi Go, Advanced Kakie, Seiunchin Bunkai,Shisochin Kate, Shisochin Bunka, Weapons Defenses, Point Fighting and Iri Kumite.
Digitally remastered from original videocassette.
Most manufacturers of specialty titles now duplicate instead of replicate, and utilize inkjet printed covers. This may make the DVDs appear to be counterfeit, however, this is the standard manufacturing process used by Warner Bros and others. This DVD is 100% guaranteed authentic.
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