Randy Williams Wing Chun Wooden Dummy 4 DVD Set
4 DVD Set
Sifu Randy Williams is one the world’s most well known and respected Wing Chun Kung Fu artists, and is the founder of the Close Range Combat Academy network with branches in the U.S, Italy, Chile, Australia, Austria, England, Germany, Singapore, South Africa, Spain and Sweden.
This comprehensive series covers the 60 motions of the Mook Yan Joang Fot Yut Ling Bot wooden dummy form based on the Biu Jee thrusting fingers set and their applications. Plus, advanced drills including 5-Star Blocking, Fist Parries, Huen Da Progression, Jom Sau Chasing, Straight Punch Drills and The Invisible Kick. Also the Lop Sau/Fon Sau Switch, Chahng Dai Jyeung Switch, Biu Sau Switch, Gum Sau Switch and Pock Sau Switch, rolling hands, attack combinations, sticky foot, triple uppercut, dummy centerline theory and more! 3.5 hours of instruction!
Yip Man -> George Yau -> Randy Williams
Yip Man -> Ho Kam Ming -> Augustine Fong -> Randy Williams
Yip Man -> Ho Kam Ming -> Randy Williams