Pa Kua Chang for Self Defense Book by Lee Ying-arng, Yen Te-hwa hong kong bagua
This is a classic in the martial arts field, the first book in English on the Chinese art of Pa Kua Chang (also known as Ba Gua Zhang). Pa Kua is considered an internal method with devastating and effective martial arts techniques with empty hands and weapons. Author Lee Ying Arng, the vice president of the Hong Kong Kung Fu Association, was a pioneer, publishing one of the first Kung Fu books ever in English and the first Iron Palm book. His modified Yang style Tai Chi is one of the best demonstrations of the set ever done. In the first section it presents the basic palm positions, gives an historical overview with pictures of famous masters, shows Lee himself doing applications. The next section if a translation into English of a famous text by Yen Tie Hwa covering the 33 Methods of Pa Kua for Self Defense and showing some of the clearest illustrations ever of Chinese fighting applications. A must-have for any Ba Gua library. 8.5″ x 5.5″. 86 pages.
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