Mastering Chinese Wushu – Instructional Book Jiang Bangjun Emilio Alpanseque
Breathtaking to watch and exciting to perform, Wushu has become a global phenomenon with tremendous crossover appeal. Finally, a well-produced comprehensive instructional book that encompasses all fundamental skills, training principles, and terminology of Wushu is available in a convenient single volume in the English language. Whether you are a beginner, an experienced competitor, or a coach, this book is a must for those in search of a solid source of information compiled by one of the most sought-after champions and masters of all time, Jiang Bangjun, and Emilio Alpanseque, a highly- accomplished and well-known international Wushu authority from Madrid, Spain. The topics covered are: History, Stretching and Flexibility Exercises, Hand Forms and Hand Techniques, Stances and Footwork, Basic Combinations, Balance Techniques, Jumping Techniques, Tumbling Techniques, and a Basic Compulsory Routine. Fully illustrated with more than 400 photographs, detailed step-by-step descriptions, and special tips, MASTERING WUSHU is your best first step into Wushu excellence! 7 x 10. 130 pages.