Life Stages and Native Women: Memory, Teachings, and Story Medicine
“The elders that share stories in this book continue to give us a sense of place, a sense of safety, courage, and vision. Their stories make us laugh and teach us to be better people, families, and communities. … This book has been constructed from multiple layers of stories in that spirit of rebuilding, and I am proud to be a part of it.”” -Maria Campbell, from the Foreword
Life Stages and Native Women explores how life stages and responsibilities of Métis, Cree, and Anishinaabe women were integral to the health and well-being of their communities during the mid- 20th century. The book is rich with oral history conducted with fourteen Algonquian elders from the Canadian prairies and Ontario. These elders share stories about the girls and women of their childhood communities at mid-century (1930–1960), and customs related to pregnancy, birth and post-natal care, infant and child care, puberty rites, gender, and age-specific work roles, the distinct roles of post-menopausal women, and women’s roles in managing death. The book concludes with a consideration of how oral historians’ memories can be applied to building healthier communities today. It is a fascinating and powerful book that will speak to all women.