Fighting Karate #2 Gosoku-Ryu punching attacks takedowns DVD Takayuki Kubota
By Soke Takayuki Kubota Volume 2: Gosoku-Ryu Fighting – Striking speed drills, kicking and punching attacks and counters, footwork and maneuvers, takedowns, and coordination drills to improve speed and defenses. 57 min. Soke Tak Kubota is a member of the Black Belt Hall of Fame and the founder and grandmaster of the International Karate Association. Soke Kubota’s hybrid style of karate, judo and jujutsu techniques is a very powerful and practical self-defense system. Learn its techniques in this original ‘Ancient Warrior Productions’ five-part amazing DVD collection from the man who has trained some of the finest law-enforcement and military personnel in the world. 58 minutes.