Favorite Arnis Techniques #2 Stick, Empty Hand, Takedowns DVD Bruce Chiu escrima kali
Featuring Grandmaster Bruce Chiu
In volume 2, GM Chiu of Arnis International covers Crash Drills; Weapon Moves First Body Follows, Learn How to Lift and Explode, Create Chaos in Your Opponent, Stick and Empty Hand & Movement, Insert the Crash into the 6 Count Drill, and Apply the Crash with Tap Tap Drill. Disarms; Sweep Through Stick & Add Disarms to Your Drills. Slap Off Drill; With Stick vs Stick, Empty Hand vs Empty, Stick vs Empty Hand, Leg Takedown Sweep with Stick,
Compressed Elbow Take Downs. Locks; Stick vs Stick, Stick vs Empty Hand, & Left, Right Empty Hand or with Stick, Locks with Throws.
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