Doce Pares #3 Multi style Filipino Eskrima Escrima Kali Arnis Knives Sticks DVD by Masters Pableo, Roiles, Mosqueda & Onas
Valflex Productions presents Doce Pares Multi-System Eskrima Kali-Arnis DVD. Features 4 masters who join together and share their knowledge of the easy to learn methods of the Doce Pares Multi-Style system. This volume covers blocking; disarm ice pick; thrust disarm; disarm backhand; knife vs. knife; pakal; stick and dagger; sknife blocks; free form; tapi tapi; witik curved strike; sparring and more! Starring: Master Percival ‘Val’ Pableo (8th degree black belt and 4 time full contact stick fighter world champion); Master Felix Porio Roiles (5th degree black belt and 2 time heavyweight world champion WEKAF stick fighter; Master Erwin ‘Gunit’ Mosqueda (7th degree black belt); and Master Tony ‘Jun’ Onas (5th degree black belt and founder of Eskrimador Academy).