Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu Weapon Series Long Staff Pole DVD James McNeil
Featuring James McNeil In this DVD; James McNeil demonstrates how to use the Shaolin Kung-Fu staff in a step-by-step; easy to learn format. The staff is the most popular weapon used in kung fu. McNeil demonstrates a Shaolin kung fu staff set. By learning this form; you can master most of the basic maneuvers needed to utilize this practical weapon. To further your understanding of this weapon; McNeil also teaches some effective fighting application for each move of the set. Some of the techniques demonstrated include: Blocking; striking; sweeping; poking; chopping and thrusting. 40 minutes.
Digitally remastered from original videocassette.
Most manufacturers of specialty titles now duplicate instead of replicate, and utilize inkjet printed covers. This may make the DVDs appear to be counterfeit, however, this is the standard manufacturing process used by Warner Bros and others. This DVD is 100% guaranteed authentic.
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