Chinese Dragon Form Fist book Leo Chu Francis Au martial arts choy li fut
By Leo Chu and Francis Au. A number of these great little books started to come out in the BLE (Bruce Lee Era).Then they became unavailable for a long time. Now PLUM is bringing them back. This form, possibly from a branch of Choy Li Fut, we called a Southern Style Dragon Fist but it is really more a “middle” boxing. This book has the following: 64 pages, Large photos of the Dragon form, small photos at the bottom of applications for the movements, Chinese and English facing text and a picture of the author playing with the famous Shek Kin at the back. Though it looks like a paste up job from a Kung Fu magazine article; this is one of those fun, learn-a-form-in-an-afternoon type books. 6 x 9 paperback.