5 DVD Set – Worldwide Executive Protection Defensive Tactics – Kent Moyer
5 DVD Set by Executive Protection Agent Kent Moyer
Mr Moyer and his 150+ agents are regularly tasked with protecting top Hollywood Stars, politicians and business executives around the country.
#1 – Pre-indicators of an attack, the Secret Service’s 3 Rings of Protection plus the Myths about who the bad guys are and aren’t. Also, how to deal with kidnappings and the requirements to becoming an Executive Protection Agent and not just an untrained Bodyguard.
#2 – How Executive Protection Agents do what they do. He explains Time-Distance Speed as the three ingredients you must always consider. Plus he talks about minimizing risks, and tells some of his amazing Hollywood stories.
#3 – Formations, Advances and Equipment needed to be an agent and what each piece of equipment is used for. Plus, exactly what an advance is, and two different advances are displayed from beginning to end.
#4 – Advances, the most important aspect of becoming an Executive Protection Agent and differentiates you from a Bodyguard. Also, the aspects of an Advance including Pre Departure, Command Centers, Lodging, Transportation and Site advances.
#5 – Self defense or Defensive Tactics. How the bad guys attack and how to defend yourself and your client from them in the ‘real’ world. Everything from gun attacks and retentions to hand cuffing, pressure points and knife and club takeaways. Kent has experienced it all and he knows what really works and what is just ‘Hollywood’ techniques.