5 DVD Set Wing Chun Do – James DeMile modern wing chun
5 DVD Set
Sijo James DeMile; founder of the Wing Chun Do system, shares essential concepts and techniques in this 5 DVD Set.
#1 Lunge Close – Bruce Lee’s favorite close for trapping. 47 min.
#2 Basics of Closing – The do’s and don’t of closing the gap. 38 min.
#3 Steal A Step Close – Closing from a longer distance or when too far for a lunge close.
#4 Skip A Step Close – Surprise an opponent or for setting from long range. 39 min.
#5 Skip A Step Close – Very effective against tall or large framed opponents. 39 min.
James DeMile, former undefeated heavyweight Air Force boxer and “Masters Level” hand to hand combat instructor for the Special Forces Combatives program at Fort Lewis in 1985 and 1986. He began his martial arts career in 1959 in Seattle under the direction of Bruce Lee. Both in their late teens, they quickly became friends and DeMile became one of Bruce’s first generation students. DeMile had the opportunity to assist him in refining his concepts and developing his unique fighting skills. He is the founder of Wing Chun Do which is a modern application of the classical Wing Chun system and a practical self defense system for today’s student.
This is digitally remastered from the original VHS videocassette. Although everything has been done to enhance the picture and sound quality, some quality degradation may still exist. Most manufacturers of specialty titles now duplicate instead of replicate, and utilize inkjet printed covers. This may make DVDs appear to be counterfeit, however, this is the standard manufacturing process used by all others.