5 DVD SET Nihon Ju Jutsu – Norm Belsterling locks groundfighting pins chokes
5 DVD Set by Norm Belsterling
Volume 1 includes tai-sabake (footwork), warm-ups and stretches, and falling and defenses (wrist locks, joint locks, takedowns and pins, throws, submissions and restraining, ground fighting, atemi-waza and pressure points).
Volume 2 covers atemi-waza, defenses, pressure points, escapes from holds and throws, throwing techniques, and ground fighting.
Volume 3 features more advanced techniques, including chokes, carotid-artery chokes, choking and throwing combinations, counterattacks and escapes, and sacrifice throws.
Volume 4 reveals surprise-attack defenses, nerve pressure-point attacks, dangerous carotid-artery and trachea attacks, vital targets to attack, ground fighting, using joint locks, nerve pressure and strikes, advanced standing throws and sweeps, and more.
Volume 5 includes highest-level jujutsu techniques–advanced “sacrifice throws”, blocking kicks and takedowns, counters to surprise attacks, weapons defense–as well as a review of the lower-level techniques.