3 DVD Set 07 Kyusho Jitsu Pressure Points Martial Arts Seminar – 8 masters
This is the 2007 HKI Kyusho Martial Arts Training Seminar
3 DVD Set
The late Grandmaster Jack Hogan, founder of Hogan Karate International, was a 10th degree Black Belt in Ryukyu Kempo Karate and a 5th degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate and was a Hall of Famer and Legend Grandmaster. Specializing in Kyusho Jitsu (pressure point fighting) and Small Circle Jujitsu, he hosted seminars featuring some of the top martial artists to teach effective self defense.
DVD #1
Jerald Carter breaks down the techniques from your Kata to show you what each is intended to do. Whether attacking a pressure point or defending an attack, he shows you there are no wasted movements within the Kata.
David Hogan teaches in detail the Kyusho Black belt test, techniques showing how to use them to locate the pressure points with knockout power.
Bill Thurston teaches off angle zoning counters, attacks and defenses with empty hand and weapons. Also, how to use improvised weapons for self defense.
DVD #2
John Duggan from Ireland demonstrates how to combine traditional Jiu-Jitsu and Kyusho techniques to create joint locks, and ground control techniques to subdue even the largest of attackers.
Grandmaster Jack Hogan teaches how to use the “Touch” to put energy into the minor and major pressure points by using relaxation and control.
DVD #3
Grandmaster Bruce Chiu teaches modern Arnis locks, traps and control techniques, with and without sticks.
Mike Andrews breaks down the Katas to show how to grapple using only your forearms to use pressure points to joint lock or even knockout your attacker.
Lynn Carper teaches defense of grabs using relaxation to control your attacker and set them up to be knocked out by using the Hit, Rub, or Touch Techniques of Kyusho.