Showing 337–348 of 352 results

We Want Equal Rights!: The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Influence on the Women’s Rights Movement Fashion

Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $7.47.
We Want Equal Rights!: The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Influence on the Women’s Rights Movement We Want Equal Rights! is the story

We Want Freedom and Citizenship: Documents of Salish, Pend d’Oreille, and Kootenai Indian History, 1912-1920 Fashion

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $13.98.
We Want Freedom and Citizenship: Documents of Salish, Pend d’Oreille, and Kootenai Indian History, 1912-1920 The nine years between 1912

We Were Not the Savages: The Collision Between European and Native American Civilizations Fashion

Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $12.80.
We Were Not the Savages: The Collision Between European and Native American Civilizations The title of this book, We Were

Webs of Kinship: Family in Northern Cheyenne Nationhood Hot on Sale

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $13.98.
Webs of Kinship: Family in Northern Cheyenne Nationhood Many stories that non-Natives tell about Native people emphasize human suffering, the

What the Eagle Sees: Indigenous Stories of Rebellion and Renewal Hot on Sale

Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $7.47.
What the Eagle Sees: Indigenous Stories of Rebellion and Renewal What do people do when their civilization is invaded? Indigenous

White Earth Nation: Ratification of a Native Democratic Constitution Supply

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $8.00.
White Earth Nation: Ratification of a Native Democratic Constitution The White Earth Nation of Anishinaabeg Natives ratified a new constitution

Why Sacagawea Deserves the Day Off & Other Lessons from the Lewis & Clark Trail Hot on Sale

Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $8.97.
Why Sacagawea Deserves the Day Off & Other Lessons from the Lewis & Clark Trail More than two hundred years

Why You Can’t Teach United States History Without American Indians Online Sale

Original price was: $37.50.Current price is: $15.00.
Why You Can’t Teach United States History Without American Indians A resource for all who teach and study history, this

Wild Rice and the Ojibway People Supply

Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $14.97.
Wild Rice and the Ojibway People Wild rice has always been essential to life in the Upper Midwest and neighboring

Without Destroying Ourselves: A Century of Native Intellectual Activism for Higher Education Discount

Original price was: $64.99.Current price is: $26.00.
Without Destroying Ourselves: A Century of Native Intellectual Activism for Higher Education Without Destroying Ourselves is an intellectual history of

Witness: A Hunkpapha Historian’s Strong-Heart Song of the Lakotas Supply

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $28.50.
Witness: A Hunkpapha Historian’s Strong-Heart Song of the Lakotas During the 1920s and 1930s, Josephine Waggoner (1871 1943), a Lakota

Wounded Knee 1973: Still Bleeding Fashion

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $8.49.
Wounded Knee 1973: Still Bleeding The American Indian Movement, the FBI, and their fight to bury the sins of the