Flight or Fight #6 Cane vs Street Weapons DVD Joe Robaina
Volume 6: Flight or Fight – Cane vs Street Weapons
Featuring CaneMaster Joe Robaina
Robaina is crystal clear when he tells you “if someone pulls out a knife or gun….RUN!” However, if you can’t avoid it, and your life is at stake, you must survive it. Learn how to use your cane to survive a knife or stick attack. Includes never before seen applications against someone who pulls a gun on you. Learn the proper mindset necessary to survive these life threatening scenarios. Never one to leave you stranded, Robaina also demonstrates empty hand defenses against these same weapons. Includes a special section on Cane Sparring Drills featuring cane against cane, cane against knife and cane against empty hands. These drills allow you to safely test yourself in different street scenarios taking your cane training to a realistic dimension. 2007
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