4 DVD Set Richard Bustillo IMB Academy – Boxing, Muay Thai, Kali, Jeet Kune Do
Four (4) DVD set from noted Martial Arts Master, Richard Bustillo. The late master Richard Bustillo shares some of his 30+ years of experience on Boxing, Muay Thai and JKD Trapping Hands. Guro Bustillo was one of the highest ranking Jeet Kune Do instructors and a personal student of the late Bruce Lee. He was the director of the world renown IMB (International Martial Arts & Boxing) Academy. (Include the sought after Volume 2!) Supplies Limited!
- Vol. 1: Boxing – ten 3-minute round training sessions include: body mechanics, offense/defense, countering & equipment training, and more!
- Vol. 2: Kali – the stick & blade fighting arts of the Philippines. Coordination drills, offensive & defensive techniques, disarming techniques and more!
- Vol. 3: Muay Thai – warm-ups, conditioning, offensive/defensive arm & leg techniques, fighting and more!
- Vol. 4: Jeet Kune Do Trapping Hands – balance, footwork, timing, sensitivity drills and more!