Wing Chun Gung Fu Combat Drills #2 Advanced Blocks & Traps DVD Randy Williams
By Randy Williams WCW04-D Part 2 (of 2): Advanced Blocks and Traps Combat Drills show how the Wing Chun system actually works. Many drills with the partner are based on a repeated basic pattern. These include Wu Sao and Laup Sau drills with variations. Some Iron Palm training for Wing Chun is shown. 50 minutes When Steven Seagal; Phil Collins or Eric Clapton needed bodyguard protection; they called Wing Chun master Randy Williams; one of the world’s foremost experts on self-defense. Williams; who operates schools in various parts of the world; began training at the age of 13 under George Yau and completed his instruction in the system under world renown master Augustine Fong.
Digitally remastered from original videocassette.
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